Exercise Techniques
•1 Myofascial stretching: because a muscle is only one link in a global chain, connected to everything by fascia.
•2 ELDOA to decoapt the joints, because articular dehydration and arthrosis are immediate consequences of compression.
•3 Awareness: to feel good in your body and mind; to be comfortable in your skin, you have to know yourself.
•4 Proprioception: to rehabilitate the precise faculties of each ligament of the body in a lesional situation
•5 Respiratory: to work both on quality (each segment) and on quantity (respiratory amplitude)
•6 Circulatory: to prevent or correct the slightest varicosities and facilitate venous return.
•7 Cardiac: to improve aerobic and anaerobic capacity and power.
•8 Specific muscle strengthening to know how to work the origin, the insertion, the laterality, the mediality, the area, the depth, the center, etc…all parts of all the muscles of the body as needed.
•9 Global postural stretching - help restore freedom of movement and comfort to a global part of the body, including bones, muscles, joints, veins, arteries,
nerves, etc.
•10 Visceral gymnastics: all the viscera are mobile and motor; they also need rehabilitation or regulation and even functional improvement exercises.
All or any combination of these tools can be applied in the treatment of back pain, general conditioning or to enhance performance capacity.