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Fountain of Youth for the Spine? ELDOA (Part 1)


ELDOA is a French acronym that stands for Etirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation Osteo-Articulaire, or Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation Stretches). I know it sounds like a mouthful, but they are essentially exercises that primarily create space within a chosen articulation (joint). A LOT is implied and achieved in this process! (Will talk more in future blogs). Contrary to the Newtonian way of looking at the complex human body and spine, the ELDOA method is based on the complex model of Tensegrity.

“You are your own best therapist.”



Only YOU know what sort of nutritional eating habits make you feel the best. Only YOU know what exercises/stretches are helping and hurting. You know when you need to rest.

ELDOA teaches you to be extremely aware of your every aspect of your fascia from the crown of your head to the toes. Awareness is the first step of the healing process – realizing things like your body odor shouldn’t smell, or even that it’s not normal to have back/joint pain. When you become aware of what your body needs, and you give the body what it needs, it will take care of itself (autonormalization).

Become a better athlete and prevent future injuries. In just one minute, you are able to specifically decompress a spinal vertebrae that is bothering you. If you feel back pain relief, like many of our students do, then hopefully that empowers you to take care of your own body.


  • Reduce chronic/acute Back Pain
  • Reduce Joint Inflammation
  • Improve Posture
  • Improve Disc Height/Hydration
  • Delay Disc Degeneration

ELDOA’s are specific and complex techniques that require a Certified ELDOA Practitioner.

Learn more by scheduling a private consultation with Full Circle Holistic Fitness, or joining our ELDOA Group Class.


Phone – 510-292-9177

Email –

Jaron Hua

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Are you including Corrective Exercise?