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Fountain of Youth for the Spine? ELDOA (Part 2)


ELDOA‘s are exercises and stretches that specifically work at the level of the spine that we want to – not a segment above or below. Using advanced approaches to the body, we get very deep into stretches such that many people say “I have never felt a stretch like that before,” or “I didn’t realize I had these muscles until now.”

ELDOA‘s have been so effective  for my private clients, that I had to safely introduce it into a group setting. The most common problem with group classes are that people hurt themselves more, but I have been able to implement a way to share these wonderful exercises such that people can safely work to their desired intensity.

ELDOA‘s strengthens your body in “end-range” of motion. It is most often at “end-range” that we injure ourselves:

  • Turning around in the car to grab something
  • After we throw a baseball or drive a golf ball
  • Stepping off a curb
  • Slipping
  • Car accidents

As you go through an ELDOA, you develop a lot more awareness for your body and joint (which is very important to preventing injuries).

Who is ELDOA appropriate for?


First and foremost, I believe that every human being is an athlete. My grandmother picking up a bag of rice perhaps exerts the same level of intensity as a professional weightlifter lifting 400 pounds – both at 100% of their own intensity. So if you are a human being and have a vertical spine, gravity compresses onto your spine. ELDOA Classes do a fantastic job of correcting several imbalances in the body by normalizing the fascia throughout your body. Strengthen the muscles of the spine, ease the tension of the overly tight fascia, and re-establish your “gravity line.”

For sport athletes – the human body isn’t designed to optimize athletic activity. We aren’t meant to swing our tennis rackets or golf clubs thousands of time. If you aren’t including corrective exercises such as ELDOA in your daily routine to counter-balance the long-term effects of your sport, you are limiting your athletic life and peak performance.

Pre and Post Surgical Patients

It is silly that there is a growing popularity for patients to want immediate pain relief with surgery, but many doctors are realizing the minimal band-aiding effect that surgery provides.

Research from NEJM are finding more and more evidence that surgery is not helpful.

A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Fusion Surgery for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

Fusion for Lumbar Spinal Stenosis — Safeguard or Superfluous Surgical Implant?

More than 70% of back surgeries fail! Ask a good orthopedic surgeon and they reveal how unsuccessful most are.

ELDOA pumps the joints, opens up space, delays progression of pathology, inflammatory and degenerative processes.

This is perfect to begin rehabbing from:

  • Spinal Stenosis
  • Degenerative joint disease
  • Spondylolisthesis (retro or anterolisthesis)
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Scoliosis

Office Workers & Students

Text-neck syndrome & forward-head posture from computers, TV’s, and backpacks today are destroying our necks and spines faster than ever. If you are beginning to feel nagging pain that is taking time away from your work or quality of life, is your exercise program or lack thereof helping you address the dysfunction? ELDOA’s are fluidic and keep pumping the joints of the spine so it maintains disc height, while strengthening your postural muscles.


1.Call me and book a free private consultation

2.Sign up for one of my ELDOA classes (first class is FREE) – register here

(Email before signing up)

Jaron Hua



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